Allow Occasional Indulgences

This is a big one. Depriving yourself completely of favorite comfort foods and guilty pleasures increases your risk of eventually reverting to your old way of eating. Allow yourself a small treat periodically, practicing moderation instead of total abstinence. Have a small scoop of gelato instead of an entire pint of ice-cream. Order a thin-crust veggie pizza with fresh mozzarella cheese rather than deep-dish pepperoni.

This controlled splurging helps prevent feeling denied, leading to uncontrolled binges later on. Know yourself and choose your indulgences wisely. If pistachio baklava is irresistible, confidently enjoy a small piece rather than trying to refuse it completely. Random cravings are bound to happen as you transition to this new way of eating. Learning to incorporate treats in moderation is crucial to stay on track towards making the Mediterranean diet a sustainable shift.

Keep two things in mind:

  • Learn to understand your cravings and find Mediterranean-friendly alternatives.
  • Incorporate treats mindfully, ensuring they don’t overshadow your diet goals.

Transitioning from your current diet to the Mediterranean way of eating takes thoughtfulness, commitment and a willingness to make mistakes and get back on track. Following the practical strategies above will set you up for success as making lasting change requires an incremental approach. Soon enough, whole foods like nuts, beans, fish and olive oil will feel second nature instead of restrictive. Stay focused on the many short and long-term health perks to serve as motivation when challenges arise. Be patient with yourself and enlist support where you need it. One small change at a time over weeks or months builds into a new Mediterranean lifestyle you can genuinely enjoy.

Stay tuned for our next lesson, which will focus on setting realistic goals and tracking your progress, vital elements in maintaining your commitment to the Mediterranean diet lifestyle.