Eating Out Mediterranean Style

Restaurant Research and Preparation

  • Strategy: Review the restaurant’s menu online beforehand and identify suitable dishes.
  • Example: Look for dishes rich in vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins like fish. Keywords like ‘grilled’, ‘fresh’, ‘whole grain’, and ‘olive oil-based’ are indicators of healthier options.

Customizing Your Order

  • Strategy: Request adjustments to make your meal align with the Mediterranean diet.
  • Example: Opt for olive oil and vinegar instead of creamy dressings, or choose grilled fish over fried.

Mindful Eating Practices

  • Strategy: Eat slowly and mindfully to control portions and enhance your dining experience.
  • Example: Savor each bite, placing your utensils down between bites to slow your pace.

Portion Control

  • Strategy: Share entrees or take half home if portions are large.
  • Example: Split a meal with a friend or start with a side of veggies before moving to richer foods.

Beverage Choices

  • Strategy: Select drinks that fit the Mediterranean diet.
  • Example: Choose water, herbal tea, or a glass of red wine over sugary or high-calorie drinks.

Appetizer Selection

  • Strategy: Begin with a healthy appetizer.
  • Example: Opt for a salad, vegetable soup, or a legume-based dish as a starter.

Dessert Decisions

  • Strategy: If opting for dessert, choose fruit-based options.
  • Example: Select fresh fruit, sorbet, or a small serving of a Mediterranean dessert like baklava.

Engaging in Conversation

  • Strategy: Make dining a social and leisurely experience.
  • Example: Enjoy conversations with dining companions, which can naturally slow down eating.

Understanding Cooking Methods

  • Strategy: Be mindful of cooking methods and choose healthier options.
  • Example: Prefer dishes that are steamed, broiled, or baked rather than fried or covered in heavy sauces.

Substitute Smartly

  • Strategy: Make smart side dish substitutions.
  • Example: Swap fries for a salad or request extra vegetables instead of a starchy side.

Eating out doesn’t mean you have to compromise on your Mediterranean diet principles. By planning ahead, customizing orders, and eating mindfully, you can enjoy restaurant meals that are both delicious and in line with your health goals. Remember, the key is balance and making informed choices, whether you’re dining at home or out.